Study Skills...
Below are our articles on the subject of Study Skills. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Great Notetaking Tips
Taking good notes is usually a building block towards getting good marks. In order to develop the best notes possible students should consider identifying their notes,…...
Minimise Spelling and Grammar Mistakes
A good piece of work can be obscured by spelling and grammar mistakes. Thinking consciously about spelling and grammar at each stage of the writing process, mistakes…...
Overcoming Exam Anxiety
Most people feel some sort of anxiety before taking exams. Studying well for exams, preparing efficiently for exams, staying calm during exams and preparing methods of…...
Preparing for Essay Exams
Essay exams can be difficult, but there are ways that students can prepare for them. Taking good notes, looking for hints in textbooks, brainstorming potential topics…...
Preparing for Multiple Choice Exams
Multiple choice exams can be tricky. Identifying potential questions, making up practice questions, learning to pace themselves and learning to make educated guesses…...
Speed Reading Tips
Speed reading is one way that students can decrease the amount of time spent on homework and assigned readings. Pre-reading, using a pacer, using a block and…...
Understanding Study Styles
When students understand their own learning and study styles they can create study routines that work most efficiently for them. Auditory learning, visual learning and…...