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KS3 SATs Prep

By: Hamida Pall - Updated: 5 Jan 2013 | comments*Discuss
Ks3 Key Stage 3 Sats Gcses Standard

Key Stage 3 SATs (Standard Assessment Tests) are formal tests/exams. The SATs cover work done in English Maths and Science from years 7 – 9. The Key Stage 3 SATs results help pupils and their teachers to choose the relevant courses to follow to GCSE or vocational qualification level. SATS are taken over a period of a week and take place usually in the middle of May.

Your child will sit three papers in English – reading, writing and Shakespeare (a play that your child will have studied in class).Maths also consists of three papers, which include topics such as algebra, space, shape and measure as well as data handling. One of the Maths papers tests will be mental Maths, where your child is to do all the working out without a calculator. Science is covered by two papers, which test your child’s knowledge and understanding of the subject. They will not be given any assignments but your child teacher will assess assignments done in class.

Papers are marked by external examiners who have nothing to do with the school to ensure fair assessment. Results come through in July. It is important that your child works hard throughout the year as part of your child’s Key Stage 3 SATs score is made up of teacher assessment.

Study and preparation is vitally important for your child to achieve the best results possible in the SATs. The following are some tips for helping your child with preparation for the Key Stage 3 SATs:

  • Help your child choose a quiet, comfortable and distraction free place to work.
  • Get your child to draw up a revision timetable at least a month before the SATs begin. Time should be divided between subjects, taking account of strengths and weaknesses.
  • Revision guides can be very useful – your child’s teachers will probably have recommended some.
  • Studying with a friend or study partner can be good if both students are motivated. Help your child out by asking them questions or helping them to revise.
  • The weeks before the SATs start encouraging your child to focus on their weakest subject. Your child should practice past test papers in exam conditions.
  • The day before the SAT exams should not be spent studying new material. Instead your child should just look over some sample papers that have been done leading up to the exam and focus on areas that they found difficult.
  • An early night the night before the exams is very important. Ensure your child gets to bed early and without the books. Late studying will make your child tired and unable to concentrate during the exams. Make sure your child has everything packed and ready for the following day before going to bed.
  • On the day of the exam make sure that your child gets to school on time and has a good breakfast. Reassure your child that whatever the outcome they have done their best.
Although they do not count towards the GCSEs, Key Stage 3 SATs are very important as they show the progress that your child has made since they started secondary school and since the Key Stage 2 SATs. They can help your child find out what they are good at and areas that can be improved.

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